Royal Auxiliary Air Force Foundation

Patron: His Royal Highness The Duke of Gloucester

Memorial Stone Order Form

Please download and print this form to make your application

  1.  Applicant’s Details:
Name Telephone Number Email Address
  2.  Details of person for whom Memorial Stone is sought – and which will be engraved on the Stone:
Forename and Surname (no ranks, titles, status, appointments) Squadron / Unit Number and/or Headquarters and/or Formation (eg MOD) Beginning and end date (whole years)

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

David Twist

Betty Haversham

Oliver Pickwick

516 Squadron


7890 (VR) Sqn, HQAC, MOD

1947 to 1956

1964 to 1999

1988 to 2015

Stone 1
Stone 2
Stone 3
3.  The cost of each Stone is £150 which is payable either by :

a.   Cheque made out to the RAuxAF Foundation and attached to this completed Order Form.

b.   BACS Transfer to the Foundation’s bank account at Lloyds Bank, Carlisle Branch: Sort Code 30-91-66 and Account Number 00757773.

4.  If you wish to provide a biography for each individual for inclusion on the Foundation’s website, please ensure that it contains no more than 750 words and 2 pictures. It should either be attached to this completed Order Form or sent separately to The Treasurer as detailed in para 5. Suggested biography formats can be seen at
5.  Please return the completed Form and, where applicable, cheque and biography to: The Treasurer, Wg Cdr Jeff Metcalfe, 1 Chapel Garth, Holme on Spalding Moor, East Riding of Yorkshire,  YO43 4EG.

6. Please note that Memorial Stones will be dedicated at the Foundation’s Annual Memorial Service at the Memorial which is usually held in June each year. Applications for Stones received by not later than the end of February for any given year will be will be considered for installation and dedication that same year. Applications received after that date will be considered for installation and dedication the following year.