RAuxAF 100 – Vampire Tribute: 502 & 614 Sqns

During the first weekend in July, members of 502 and 614 Sqns RAuxAF attended the the Wales National Air Show in Swansea which paid tribute to the Centenary of the founding of the RAuxAF in 1924.

4624 Squadron – Honouring the Fallen

On 6 July 2024, members of the 4624 (County of Oxford) Movements Squadron attended the 80th anniversary memorial service at Pic de Douly in the French Pyrenees to honour the six British and one Canadian aircrew of 624 Squadron who tragically lost their lives when their Halifax aircraft crashed in 1944 thick fog whilst on a mission to resupply the local French resistance.

Centenary Plinth

On 26th June 2024, the Royal Auxiliary Air Force Foundation staged a Centenary Service at the National Memorial Arboretum commemorating [...]

RAuxAF 100 – Centenary Service of Remembrance

On 26th June 2024, the Royal Auxiliary Air Force Foundation staged a Centenary Service at the National Memorial Arboretum commemorating the founding of the Royal Auxiliary Air Force in 1924.