Donations and Support


The Foundation continues to maintain the RAuxAF Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum (NMA) in Staffordshire and the RAuxAF Roll of Honour at St Clement Danes Church in the Strand, London.

The NMA now requires Memorial sponsors to commit to a maintenance contract to ensure their memorial remains in place. The Foundation’s overriding priority is to secure the main Memorial in perpetuity for the Nation. However, there are various other projects that it wishes to commit to as the 100th Anniversary of the Force approaches.

  • The addition of the names of units raised since the Memorial was originally dedicated.
  • Re-gilding of the inscriptions on the Memorial.
  • Development of a separate specific plinth at the Memorial site dedicated to all Auxiliaries who have served in  the Force throughout its 100 year history.
  • Maintenance of the Roll of Honour in St Clement Danes.
  • Provision of a suitable piece of art to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Force.
  • Identifying and funding a suitable location for the Foundation’s archives and AuxAF and RAuxAF memorabilia.
  • Further enhancements to the Foundation website.

These initiatives are ambitious and will require significant funding. The Foundation’s priority is raising the £15,000.00 required by the NMA to secure the future of the main Memorial. Thereafter, the Foundation will address the additional tasks set out above in the period up to 2024. Our target is a further £35,000.00 so a total of £50,000.00 is required.

Should you wish to support the Foundation’s work directly our bank details are Lloyds Bank, Carlisle Branch: Sort Code 30-91-66 and Account Number 00757773. Our registered charity number is at the foot of this letter.

Alternatively, if you wish to make a donation by cheque, please make it payable to the RAuxAF Foundation and send it to the Foundation’s Treasurer, Wing Commander Jeff Metcalfe (RAuxAF (Retd) at 1 Chapel Garth, Holme on Spading Moor, York YO43 4EJ.

All donations will, of course, be gratefully acknowledged.

And remember, the Foundation can reclaim from the Inland Revenue a further 25% of all donations, howsoever made, if the donor pays UK income tax – and subject to the donor completing a Gift Aid Declaration which can be accessed  here.



Voluntary Support

Voluntary support is the life-blood of the Foundation. If you feel you can help in any way, please do get in touch with any of the Trustees who can be contacted by clicking here.