RAuxAF: 100 Year History

To commemorate the centenary of the RAuxAF in 2024, Dr Louise Wilkinson and Sqn Ldr Tony Freeman (a Foundation Trustee) have co-authored a book providing an in-depth account of the Force’s history since its founding in 1924 up to the present day. As well as providing a chronological history and timeline, the book features a wealth of vignettes, statistical data and photos covering the many facets of the Force, its units and its people.

The book has recently been published in hardback by Pen and Sword Books Ltd and can be obtained directly from the publishers or from Waterstones, Blackwells, WH Smith, Thriftbooks, Guardian Bookshop and others. The RRP is £25.00, but it can purchased for less. Kindle and e versions are available, and a paperback version will be published later this year or early next. Further details about the book can be seen on the publisher’s website.

RTWM – July 2023

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