Tennant Jacqueline 1 MHU / 600 *

Sergeant Jacqueline Tennant – 1MHU / 600 Sqn

Jacqui Tennant was attested into the Royal Auxiliary Air Force on 11th April 1985. She served as a Tele Communications Officer initially with No 1 Maritime Headquarters Unit, and later No 600 (City of London) Squadron.

She volunteered at every opportunity, be it an exercise, a parade or in deed adventure training – she embraced every aspect of Service life.

She was promoted to Cpl in March 1995, Sgt in February 2001 and mobilised in support of Op Telic April-October 2003. One of the highlights of her career was being presented to HRH The Queen Mother in 2000 who, no doubt, was just as excited to meet Jacqui as Jacqui was to meet The Queen Mother!

Guidance and support of her colleagues was her forte – here she never faltered and provided her very own brand of encouragement – which always included a huge smile.

A career change as she turned 40 lead her to her other passion – travel. Her first adventure was supporting the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, Australia in 2006. A 12 month career break from the Squadron allowed her to continue her journey working her way across the Far East and Europe until she reached Mallorca where she taught swimming to children on holiday.

Jacqui re-joined the Squadron briefly in September 2007 for a field training exercise and it was like she had never been away. She threw herself into every activity that weekend with seemingly renewed vigour!

She returned to Mallorca to complete the summer season but, on the 7th October she went for a walk in the hills above Alcudia and failed to return. A tireless search by her sister, Monique, proved fruitless but then, in August 2015, remains were found by a walker who had been following an old mountain path and become lost.

Jacqui was laid to rest on 28th November 2017 – 10 years after she disappeared. She would have been pleased to be surrounded by so many friends and family. There were tears but shared memories and countless stories brought great comfort.

Sgt Jacqui Tennant served the Royal Auxiliary Air Force for 22 years. She will be remembered for her enduring spirit, determination, laughter and sense of fun. Today’s dedication is our gift to give thanks for her life, her Service and her friendship.

Posted in Memorial Stones.