603 Squadron Centenarian

On 16 August 2024, Joe McCulloch, a former pilot on 603 Squadron, celebrated his 100th birthday.  Joe flew during the Second World War as a Harvard and Hurricane pilot in Egypt and India.  After the war he joined No 603 (City of Edinburgh) Squadron and flew Spitfires and Vampires as a part time reservist.    Joe is also fondly remembered as the chap, then working for British Railways,  who found the 603 Squadron Locomotive badge that now hangs proudly in the Town Headquarters in Edinburgh  Joe was invited by members of the Squadron and the Association back to the Edinburgh Unit to celebrate his centenary with an afternoon tea where he was congratulated by His Grace The Duke of Hamilton.  Air Officer Scotland, Air Commodore Bill Gibson, then invited Joe, his son and granddaughter to attend the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo that same day in the Royal Box.

In the photograph are Group Captain Bob Kemp, Life President of the 603 Squadron Association, Wing Commander Alison Moodie, Chair of the Squadron Association and His Grace The Duke of Hamilton. The Duke’s father, Angus, Duke of Hamilton, had been the Honorary Air Commodore of No 2 (City of Edinburgh)  Maritime Headquarters Unit for many years.

RGK                    Photo by Ralph Frew

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