‘100 for RAuxAF 100’

‘100 for RAuxAF 100’ is a RAuxAF Foundation charity event whose objective is to raise funds for the RAF Benevolent Fund which will then be split equally between the Benevolent Fund and the RAuxAF Foundation. The Foundation will use the income to support the RAuxAF 100 Centenary events which the Foundation is organising.

The Challenge
The basic premise of ‘100 for RAuxAF 100’ is  for serving and retired members of the RAuxAF and their families and friends, either individually or collectively, to seek sponsorship for undertaking a challenging activity which has an underlying theme based on the number ‘100’. For example, it could  include walking or running or cycling or climbing or rowing 100 miles or kilometres; climbing 100 hills over  a given height, planting 100 trees, washing 100 cars, mowing 100 lawns, baking 100 cakes for a food-bank; the options are endless. The important point is that whatever the activity, it should embrace the number ‘100’. Aside from the personal benefit and pleasure gained from undertaking the challenge, participants will be benefitting two worthy charities and honouring all those who have served in the RAuxAF throughout its 100 year history.

To embark on a ‘100 for RAuxAF 100’ challenge, simply follow the ‘Just Giving’ link.  Once on board, click on ‘Join Team’ and follow the self-explanatory prompts for joining others who are supporting the cause.

Making a Donation
If making a donation to RAuxAF 100 for 100, again follow the ‘Just Giving’ link  and follow the ‘Give Now’ prompt.

Details  of progress of participants and of donations received can viewed at ‘Just Giving’ link.

Late News: As at 20 February, the two units/individuals who so far have taken on the ‘RAuxAF 1oo for 100’ challenge have raised over £1,000!!!

Posted in RAuxAF 100.